One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit .User:Ammopt
Update pluginsdir in koha-conf.xml
sed -i 's/<\!--pluginsdir>\/kohadevbox\/koha_plugin<\/pluginsdir-->/<pluginsdir>\/kohadevbox\/koha_plugin<\/pluginsdir>/g' /etc/koha/sites/kohadev/koha-conf.xml
Install plugins
perl /kohadevbox/koha/misc/devel/
Setup minimal ILL for testing
Running this inside k-t-d will install the FreeForm backend, enable the ILLModule system preference and update the backend_directory config in koha-conf.xml.
bash <(curl -s
Setup ILL for testing +
Same as above but also installs the BLDSS backend and its dependencies.
bash <(curl -s
Create ILL fake data
Simplified documentation coming soon, link to repo:
Git alias to list last branches found here:
lb = !git reflog show --pretty=format:'%gs ~ %gd' --date=relative | grep 'checkout:' | grep -oE '[^ ]+ ~ .*' | awk -F~ '!seen[$1]++' | head -n 10 | awk -F' ~ HEAD@{' '{printf(\" \\033[33m%s: \\033[37m %s\\033[0m\\n\", substr($2, 1, length($2)-1), $1)}'
Git command to show diff ignoring white spaces:
git show -w <commit_hash>
Run cypress tests on k-t-d:
perl /kohadevbox/misc4dev/ --run-cypress-tests-only
Update database version to a previous version to be able to force updatedatabase:
koha-mysql kohadev -e 'update systempreferences set value="<lower_version:22.1100000>" where variable="version"'
VS Code
- Perl
- GitLens
- perltidy
- Prettier - Code formatter
- Template Toolkit
- Thunder Client
- gettext
"perl.perlInc": [
"[perl]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "richterger.perl"
"editor.formatOnPaste": true,
"perltidy.languageIdentifiers": [
Pedro Amorim
Weeks of coding can save you hours of planning.
About meMarried, father of a 2 year old, owner of 3 cats: I'm used to not being able to have nice things. |
My workI sometimes write code that works. |
Contact meYou can e-mail me. |