One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit .Notices with Template Toolkit
General notes
- Template Toolkit syntax is available for all notices, but not all information might be available yet
- New notices often will have a default TT template and can't be rewritten to the old syntax with the same functionality
- You can mix an match (use hungry alligators
together with TT syntax) in one notice template - PowerPoint from Koha-US 2020 on TT in notices with an example.
Template Toolkit documentation:
Examples: Notices and slips using Template Toolkit
Make choices
Check for existence of a field in order to only print it if it exists:
[% IF %]
Author: [% %]
[% END %]
You can also make some choices using else and if:
[% IF %] ... [% ELSE %] ... [% END %]
If you have more then 2 choices:
[% IF something %] ... [% ELSIF something2 %] ... [% ELSIF something3 %] ... [% ELSE %] ... [% END %]
You need to know the variable name for the notice in order to be able to loop through information.
[% FOR item IN biblio.items %] [% item.itemcallnumber %], [% item.barcode %] [% END %]
Example: Overdue notices
Have access to: biblio, biblioitems, items, issues
Old syntax:
<item>"<<biblio.title>>" by <<>>, <<items.itemcallnumber>>, Barcode: <<items.barcode>></item>
[% FOREACH overdue IN overdues %] [%~ SET item = overdue.item ~%] "[% item.biblio.title %]" by [% %], [% item.itemcallnumber %], Barcode: [% item.barcode %] [% END %]
Make this look nicer by using IF constructs.
You can define your own functions using the MACRO directive.
[%~ MACRO hello_world BLOCK; output = "hello world"; output; END; ~%] [% hello_world() %]
Example: Fetch 880 $6245-01 titles
At the top of your notice template, define the following:
[%~ MACRO alt_title(biblio) BLOCK; alt_title = ''; IF (biblio); fields = biblio.metadata.record.field("880"); FOREACH field IN fields; sub6 = field.subfield("6"); IF ("^245-") ); alt_title = alt_title _ field.as_string("a"); END; END; END; alt_title; END; ~%]
Then whenever you need to fetch the 880 alt title, you can call the macro using a Koha::Biblio object as an argument:
[% this_alt_title = alt_title(biblio) %] [% IF ( this_alt_title ) %]<p>[% this_alt_title %]</p>[% END %]
Add guarantor information
Guarantor ( and guarantee ) relationships can be access from any notice that has a patron object.
Guarantors: [%- FOREACH guarantor_relation IN patron.guarantor_relationships %] [%- SET guarantor = guarantor_relation.guarantor %] * [% guarantor.firstname | html %] [%- END %]
Guarantees: [%- FOREACH guarantee_relation IN patron.guarantee_relationships %] [%- SET guarantee = guarantee_relation.guarantee %] * [% guarantee.firstname | html %] [%- END %]
Don't generate e-mail for a patron category
If the e-mail content is completely empty, Koha won't queue an e-mail. We can use this to avoid creating e-mails for certain patron categories, like WELCOME or MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRY.
[%- IF patron.categorycode == "STAFF" %] This is where your actual welcome notice is! [%- END %]
Important: You need to make sure that the IF is in the very first line of your notice and the END in the very last. There should be no characters/line breaks before the IF and nothing after the END.
Using filters
Example: Format dates
You don't have to put the use statements in the notices, but it's recommended. So if you want to use date formatting, you put a
[%- USE KohaDates -%] Date due without hours: [% overdue.date_due | $KohaDates %] Date due with hours: [% overdue.date_due | $KohaDates with_hours => 1 %] Date in ISO: [% biblio.timestamp | $KohaDates dateformat => 'iso' %] Date in preferred format: [% KohaDates.output_preference( str => biblio.timestamp, dateformat => 'iso' ) %] Date in preferred format, no hours: [% KohaDates.output_preference( str => biblio.timestamp, dateformat => 'iso', dateonly => 1 ) %]
If no `dateformat` is specified then the system preference defined one will be used.
Currently the list of supported dateformats is:
dateformats | ||
format | strftime | example |
iso | %Y-%m-%d | 1985-05-27 |
rfc3339 | %FT%T%z | |
metric | %d/%m/%Y | 27/05/1985 |
dmydot | %d.%m.%Y | 23.05.1986 |
us | %m/%d/%Y | 05/27/1986 |
Example: Format prices
Uses CurrencyFormat and active currency:
[%- USE Price -%] [% items.price | $Price %]
Example: CirculationRules.Renewals
The Koha TT plugin CirculationRules contains the method Renewals which will provide the following data for the given borrowernumber and itemnumber:
- count - The number of renewals already used
- allowed - The total number of renewals this checkout may have
- remaining - The total number of renewals that can still be made
- unseen_count - The number of unseen renewals already used
- unseen_allowed - The total number of unseen renewals this checkout may have
- unseen_remaining - The total number of unseen renewals that can still be made
[%- USE CirculationRules -%] [%- SET renewals = CirculationRules.Renewals( borrowernumber, itemnumber ) -%] You have [% renewals.remaining | html %] of [% renewals.allowed | html %] renewals remaining.
More filters
There are Koha specific filters like above, but TT also comes with a lot of standard filters:
Filters available by default
There are some plugins available by default in each notice template
- KohaDates (use as filter: "somedate | $KohaDates" )
- Remove_MARC_punctuation (use as filter: "somevariable| $Remove_MARC_punctuation" )
The $Remove_MARC_punctuation filter is even used automatically for these variables:
- biblio.*
- biblioitem.*
Use Plugins
[%- Use Biblio -%] Holds: [% Biblio.HoldsCount(biblio.biblionumber) %] [% IF Biblio.HoldsCount(biblio.biblionumber) > 1 %] There is more than one person waiting for this item, please return it! [% END %]
Also available: Accounts, Borrowers, Branches, Itemtypes (To be documented)
Use Includes
It can be useful to be able to utilise Koha's in-built template includes.. especially for translation purposes.
[%- PROCESS '' -%] [%- PROCESS account_type_description account=credit -%]
Available for all TT notices.
Using variables
Access MARC data
You can add any MARC field and subfield to notices using the biblio object, if available:
[% FOREACH field IN biblio.metadata.record.field("700") %] [% field.subfield("a") %] [% END %]
Variables available
One object reference | Set of objects reference | Type | Note |
today | Special variable with current date and time | ||
article_request | article_requests | Koha::ArticleRequests | |
biblio | biblios | Koha::Biblios | |
biblioitem | biblioitems | Koha::Biblioitems | |
borrower | borrowers | Koha::Patrons | |
branch | branches | Koha::Libraries | |
item | items | Koha::Items | |
news | news | Koha::News | News for OPAC |
order | orders | Koha::Acquisition::Orders | |
hold | holds | Koha::Holds | |
serial | serials | Koha::Serials | These are issues added using serials module |
subscription | subscriptions | Koha::Subscriptions | |
suggestion | suggestions | Koha::Suggestions | |
checkout | checkouts | Koha::Checkouts | |
old_checkout | old_checkouts | Koha::Old::Checkouts | |
overdue | overdues | Koha::Checkouts | |
patron_modification | patron_modifications | Koha::Patron::Modifications | |
credit | Koha::Account::Line | Used in ACCOUNT_CREDIT, ACCOUNT_PAYMENT, ACCOUNT_WRITEOFF | |
debit | Koha::Account::Line | Used in ACCOUNT_DEBIT, ACCOUNT_PAYMENT, ACCOUNT_WRITEOFF | |
offsets | Array of Koha::Account::Offset | Used in ACCOUNT_PAYMENT, ACCOUNT_WRITEOFF | |
passwordreseturl | string with url to reset password | Used in PASSWORD_RESET | |
user | Patron's userid (login) | Used in PASSWORD_RESET | |
items.content | concatenated strings returned by C4::Letters::get_item_content | Used in DUE, PREDUE, DUEDGST, PREDUEDGST | |
count | count of checkouts | Used in DUEDGST, PREDUEDGST | |
listname | string of name of list to be shared | Used in SHARE_ACCEPT, SHARE_INVITE | |
shareurl | string of url to shared list | Used in SHARE_INVITE |
Variables available in each notice
Notice code | List of available object variables | List of available set variables | Variables available only in old syntax |
ACQ_NOTIF_ON_RECEIV | branch, borrower, biblio, order | ||
ACCOUNT_CREDIT | credit, borrowers | tendered, change | |
ACCOUNT_DEBIT | debit, borrowers | ||
CHECKOUT | item, biblio, biblioitem, borrower, branch, checkout | ||
CHECKIN | item, biblio, biblioitem, borrower, branch, old_checkout | ||
RENEWAL | item, biblio, biblioitem, borrower, branch, checkout | ||
TRANSFERSLIP | branch, biblio, item | ||
Claim notice in serials module, | branch | aqbooksellers, aqcontacts | |
Claim notice in acquisition, default is ACQCLAIM | branch | aqbooksellers, aqcontacts | |
ACQORDER | branch, Bug 31587: basket | aqbooksellers, aqcontacts | |
Notice about new serial issue, default is SERIAL_ALERT | branch, biblio, biblioitem, borrower, subscription, serial | ||
WELCOME (replaced ACCTDETAILS) Send to patrons when their account is created | branch, borrower | ||
ISSUESLIP | branch, borrower | checkouts, overdues, news | |
ISSUEQSLIP | branch, borrower | checkouts | |
OVERDUES_SLIP | borrower, branch (could be unavailable, depends on context) | overdues | |
HOLDPLACED | branch, borrower, biblio, biblioitem, item, hold | ||
HOLD, sent when message is waiting, code defined in message_transports db table | branch, borrower, biblio, biblioitem, item, hold | ||
HOLD_SLIP | branch, borrower, biblio, biblioitem, item, hold | ||
HOLDPLACED | branch, borrower, biblio, biblioitem, item, hold/ | ||
Special variables:
Sugguestion status notices: ACCEPTED, AVAILABLE, ORDERED, REJECTED, ASKED, CHECKED | branch, borrower, suggestion, biblio | ||
TO_PROCESS | suggestion, branch, borrower | ||
ACCOUNT_PAYMENT, ACCOUNT_WRITEOFF | borrower, branch, credit | offsets | |
Article requests notices: AR_PENDING, AR_PROCESSING, AR_COMPLETED, AR_CANCELED, AR_SLIP | article_request, borrower, biblio, biblioitem, item, branch | ||
DISCHARGE | borrower, branch | ||
PASSWORD_RESET | passwordreseturl, user | ||
PASSWORD_CHANGE | borrower, branch | ||
CANCEL_HOLD_ON_LOST | branch, borrower, item, biblio, biblioitem, hold | ||
DUE, PREDUE | borrower, branch, biblio, biblioitem, item, checkout, items.content | checkouts | |
PREDUEDGST, DUEDGST | borrower, branch, count, items.content, all columns of branches table as branches.* variable | checkouts | |
AUTO_RENEWALS | borrower, checkout, item, biblio | ||
MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRY | borrower, branch | ||
SR_SLIP | branch.code,,,, | branch.items, branch.log | |
PREDUE, OVERDUE, HOLD for phone type notices | borrower, biblio, biblioitem | ||
CHECKOUT_NOTE | biblio, borrower, checkout (only when used through svc) | ||
OPAC_REG_VERIFY | borrower_modification | ||
SHARE_ACCEPT | borrower, listname | ||
SHARE_INVITE | borrower, listname, shareurl |