Koha Test Wiki Canasta - March 2024

One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.

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Inventory / stocktaking

This page explains how work the inventory / stocktaking tools (tools/inventory.pl).

The described feature contains fixes in bug 7684[1]. The original author of this documentation is Sonia Lemaire.

There are two ways of using the inventory tool:

  • to compare a list of barcodes with a list of items
  • to create a list of items you can check manually

In both cases, you can export the results in a CSV file.

Comparing a list of barcodes with a list of items

With the first method, a librarian can create a file of barcodes by scanning all the items on the shelves.

First, upload this file in Koha:

Inventory use barcode.png

Then, define which items will be concerned by the inventory:

  • by their location:
Inventory select items to check.png

  • and by their statuses:

Inventory item statuses.png

Then you have to prepare the results of the inventory:

The inventory date is the date the inventory started (if it lasts for several days).

“skip copies on loan” means that if an item has been scanned while it was notified as “on loan” in koha, it will be checked in.

You can export the list of potential problems in a CSV file if you check the “export to CSV file” box.

If you check the box “compare barcodes list to results” the list of scanned items will be compared with the list of items matching with the criteria previously selected.

When you click on the submit button:

  • The datelastseen is set to the inventory date for all the scanned items
  • An online report listing the problematic items is created

Inventory bottom form.png

The results:

The CSV file displays the list of problematic items with the detail of different kind of problems:

Inventory csv results.png

The online report:

Inventory online report.png

Creating a list of items you can check manually:

The second method allows you to create a list of items according to the criteria you select:

  • on the location and the callnumber of these items:
Inventory select items to check.png

  • on their statuses:
Inventory item statuses.png

You can export the list in a CSV file if you check the “export to CSV file” box:

Inventory manually bottom form.png

When you click on the submit button, the list of items is displayed. You can check the box in the “seen” column if the items are on the shelves and “mark seen and continue” to go to the next page or “mark seen and quit” if this is the last page.
This action sets the datelastseen to the inventory date:

Inventory manually online results.png