Koha Test Wiki Canasta - March 2024

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ILL Module

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Interlibrary Loans Module

Status: unknown
Sponsored by: no-one
Developed by: Alex Sassmannshausen, Martin Renvoize, Colin Campbell
Expected for: 2014-03-15
Bug number: Bug 7317
Work in progress repository: https://github.com/PTFS-Europe/koha/tree/ill_master
Description: = Introduction =

Following on from the original RFC and significant work carried out for PTFS Europe customers, we now have a working ILLModule deployed for a small number of customers.

It currently uses the British Library's BLDSS API, and also provides a "generic email" plugin for "peer-to-peer" Interlibrary Loans.

Next concerns will be consolidating and cleaning up of the module so we can move towards submitting it to the Koha community.

The next section of this RFC will detail the proposed method by which we will submit the module, and also the status of this stage of the project.

In general, the design of the module does/will reflect the earlier draft of the RFC. For this reason the prior version exists below the "Submission To Community" section. However, information detailed in that section is subject to change.

Submission To Community

We will use a 2 stage submission process:

  1. submit the ILLModule and its framework, including the DSL, with unit tests.
  2. submit the BLDSS API backend as the first backend implemented for the framework.

The idea behind this two stage submission is that it will on the one hand ensure proper separation of concerns of the module, and on the other will clarify the working of the module to the community.

This approach should not get in the way of unit testing, but it may get in the way of user testing, as no "backend" will exist when the ILLModule by itself is submitted. I would imagine the ILLModule submission will contain a "stub backend" that illustrates the user journey, if not much else.

The next section will discuss the ILLModule submission in depth.

ILLModule Submission

The ILLModule submission will comprise of the following elements:

  • Koha/ILLRequest* files
    • ILLRequest.pm: primary object definition for high level ILLRequest Koha object.
    • ILLRequests.pm: high level access to ILLRequests in the database.
    • ILLRequest/*
      • Record.pm: object representing Backend returned data (i.e. data stored in the illrequestattributes key/value data store).
      • Status.pm: object representing Koha's concept of ILLRequests (i.e. data stored in the illrequests tables).
      • Abstract.pm: object representing the Backend interface. Any backend actually implement should inherit from this object.
      • Config.pm: object representing an ILLModule configuration (see below for more details).
      • Backend/*
        • Stub.pm: the stub Backend object, implementing Abstract.pm.
  • atomicupdate, database configuration
  • DBIX class Object code

Config.pm notes

Currently ILLModule configuration takes two forms: we have some high level sysprefs, and then we have configuration options in koha-conf.xml and ill/spec.yaml. The former are safe to be flicked on and off, and to be changed on the fly.

The latter should normally only be touched once, when the ILLModule is configured on installation.

The latter should also be implemented as yaml files outside of koha-conf.xml, with koha-conf merely pointing to the appropriate subdirectory.

Finally, whilst ILLModule configuration is currently loaded as a Config object, this config object is normally loaded by the Abstract.pm object. In the expanded model that we are now implementing this would lead to a problem: the config object will contain global and backend configuration, and the global options need to be consulted before the backend is created. So we must load the gobal and backend options before creating Abstract and/or Backend.

The config object should perhaps become an autonomous object, which is consulted prior to loading the backend, in ILLRequests. When ILLRequests returns either a Backend or an ILLRequest it should pass the config object along. When creating a Backend however, it can do so by simply looking at the "global configuration" part of the Config object.

Current Status

At present, as described in the introduction, we have a working ILLModule/BLDSS interface.

The code base is currently too monolithic, and whilst there is an overall outline of the above modular design, at present that is more of a gesture than a usable feature.

The following tasks are ranked roughly by priority:

  • migrate the "configuration file" settings from kohaconf to a YAML file.
  • Create some form of separation between "Backend" and "Module" configuration.
  • Transform Abstract.pm from an implementing backend to an interface, by transferring the BLDSS implementation to a child object in the "Backends" folder.
  • Preserve common utility functions in Abstract.pm
  • Define the DSL, and implement it as part of Abstract methods.
    • Introspection
    • Operations
  • Create a framework for loading Backends using the Config object (the backend would be defined as a "module configuration option", after which backend configuration files are loaded and passed to the appropriate backend constructor.)
  • Implement BLDSS/Stub as a backend loaded in this fashion, and respecting the DSL.

These items should be checked off the list as they are implemented.

High level architecture

  • storage in illrequests & illrequestattributes tables
    • illrequests stores data essential to how the object of "an ILLRequest" is in Koha. Each row in illrequests stores the state of a Koha ILLRequest.
    • illrequestattributes stores additional state related to the linking between the Koha ILLRequest and the underlying API. The design of this table is a simple key value store, joined on the ILLRequest id. Data which can be stored in this table are things such as:
      • API supplied bib details
      • API supplied status
      • API supplied price info,
      • etc.
  • one-time configuration in yaml files in "ill/" subdir
  • koha-conf points to those configuration files
  • user preferences & permissions in the usual Koha way
  • Sub-components

Koha ILL module

The Koha ILL module provides the skeleton and infrastructure for ILL functionality. It provides routes, an object model for the concept of ILLRequests and a framework for 'ILL plugins' and 'API backends'.

The primary interface to the API backends is through an "Abstract" object interface. This interface provides a limited set of methods for core ILL operations, but defers their evaluation to the active & registered API backend.


The methods provided by abstract all return a hashref defined in terms of a mini ILL specific DSL.

The DSL covers three parts:

  • action type specification
  • input/output templating
  • continuation identification

input/output templating

This DSL includes a meta templating language to specify the rendering of:

  • input forms
  • ILL action output

Thus, the templating aspect of the DSL, provides an alternative interface to a subset of HTML as rendered by Template Toolkit.

action type specification

The DSL also includes a vocabulary for describing set response strategies. Thes strategies are:

  • dummy: the API does not implement this functionality.
  • interactive: the API has provided you with an input template to be rendered to the user, and then to be passed to the appropriate 'procedure' as a continuation.
  • automatic: the API is able to process this request without any further input, the 'procedure' can be invoked directly as the continuation to process this action.

continuation identification

continuation identification provides a mechanism to either provide a procedure to perform the next step immediately, or provides an identifier which can be used, with Abstract's "continuation-index" introspective procedure to retrieve the correct procedure at a later stage.

Abstract methods

The following abstract methods are defined and should be implemented by every API backend:

  • capability summary: a method to retrieve an overview of which core requests are implemented by the API, so that ILL Module can generate the user interface according to this definition (i.e., if an API does not implement search, then don't present the search action to the end user).
    • Note: features that are not part of the capability summary should still be implemented as a 'dummy' action type specification.
  • continuation-index: a method which, when passed a continuation identifier, returns the procedure corresponding to that identifier. This can be used to embed string-identified continuations in web-forms, which can be invoked on submission of the webform.
  • Core methods:
    • Search: initiate the series of actions required to search the API. The first response from an implementing API would probably be an 'interactive' response with templating instructions to generate the search form.
    • Requestplace: initiate the series of actions for placing an actual request. The first step might be an 'automatic' response, which, when invoked with a search result simply places the request. Or it may be an interactive response, e.g. asking for credentials
    • Requeststatus: retrieve the current status of the request from the API.
    • Requestrenew: attempt to renew a currently active request.
    • Requestcancel: attempt to cancel a currently active request.
    • Requestslist: retrieve all currently active requests from the API.

Reasoning & Explication

The above design should make it feasible to implement a great number of ILL workflows: whilst we have a very limited number of simple core methods, each API can use continuation specifications to embed an arbitrary number of additional steps in the evaluation of one of these core methods.

Another benefit to having a reduced set of core methods is that it encourages iterative development for API backends: instead of having to worry about implementing, even as stubs, 20 or 30 methods covering all bases, you can implement 5 stubs, then slowly add continuations to each stub until you reach full functionality.

API backends

API backends are the meat of Koha's interaction with external API sources. Each API backend essentially promises to implement Abstract's interface, using the DSL described above.

Internal logic, and configuration is entirely separate from core Koha logic, and can thus be an entirely separate module.

A downside to this approach is that there is very limited interaction between Koha itself and the backends. Any information the backend relies upon would probably need to be injected at construction time.

API backends would probably be loaded using a configuration switch in koha-conf.xml. For now it is thought that only one backend be active at a time.

ILL plugins

ILL plugins are additional mechanisms that can be enabled or disabled in sysprefs. Criteria for it are that they have to be API backend agnostic, and relatively stateless (they could use Koha state, and use those structures to implement its state).

By and large, these plugins provide additional functionality that falls outside of the scope of the core ILL module.

An example of a plugin would be a generic ILL email system which uses ILL information stored using the core API backend, to pass specific ILL request information to partner libraries.

Additional Resources

Training Documentation

File:ILL v2TrainingNotesKoha current.odt

Presentation and discussion at Koha Hackfest 15

ILL Module

  • Primarily a demo of where we are right now
  • But, start with overview of intended functionality
  • At the end there will also be a small demo of "Cash Management", functionality that Colin and Martin have been working on.

Required Functionality

  • Place and manage ILL requests from within Koha
  • Primarily through use of the new BLDSS API (British Library)
  • Both OPAC & Staff side functionality
  • Central ILL management & per borrower ILL management
  • Mediated & unmediated request placement
  • Ability to send request emails to "friendly libraries" instead of BL.


  • Separate frontend workflow from backend API
  • So, currently:
    • BLDSS API is a separate library which will be an optional dependency for Koha
    • we aim to provide a means to dynamically load the backend, probably on the basis of configuration in Koha-Conf.xml
  • Keen to talk about different workflows, and things to consider (we'll make notes of this discussion at the end of the quick presentation).

Demo of what we have

Plugin framework

  • Generic interface through Abstract.pm
  • Then each backend should provide a set of 'inspection' methods.
  • Backend activated through configuration in koha-conf.xml
  • Inspection methods will provide means to populate frontend "fields".
  • Small set of standard "steps" (place request, status, cancel, etc?)
  • It should be possible to disable steps or add new ones, though I'm not sure how feasible this is.

Workflows (contd.)

tracking items once issued from ILL patron to actual patron:

  • additional table to keep track of loans to from other libraries.




Germany SLNP (OCLC)

  • Centralised national ILL
  • 5 union catalogs that are capable of interacting
  • implement the intermediate API that handles interaction to the local union catalogue.

Possible Approach

  • have a massive superset of possible options and steps
  • have introspective methods in the interface
  • each backend API provides responds saying whether it is interested
  • if not Koha module fills "null" values
  • if yes koha performs another introspective method call against interface to ask for the fields to populate the form with.

=> The interface provides all possible steps, individual API implementations return stubs, and form values.

Steps (API)
  • Search API

in unmediated, skip these ----
  • Check available formats
  • Check price

end -----
  • place request
  • check status
  • renew loan
  • cancel request

more decentralised responses (i.e. not BL :-) ) ----
  • Request Denied
  • Request Hold (when requested ILL is currently on loan)
  • Recall ILL
Is there a decentralised API that has additional steps:
  • e.g.: ordering of preferential libraries (if one library does not provide title, we don't cancel the ILL, but move to another library).
  • OR don't cancel, instead place request with different library.
Steps (on receipt, return, local to library).

Sometthing to think about.

provide Routing Slips

Additional potential features

  • integrate with purchase request:
    • if ILL enabled, provide option to ILL instead of purchase
  • integrate ILL with purchase request
    • if ILL request but book seems useful for purchase, click on purchase order link.
  • allow ILL backend searches from purchase baskets

Previous Notes


Previous RFC


Chat Log (30 Oct 2015)

<atheia> So I spent about two week working on an abstract interface to ILL. <magnuse> cool <atheia> The idea is, as described in the RFC, etc., to have a unified

        frontend / koha-module  [13:18]

<atheia> And then a number of backends that implement the interaction to the

        specific ILL system in use.

<atheia> So for instance, I saw that you had written some custom .pls for the

        user interface.

<atheia> Instead the idea would be that even with such diverging APIs as NNCIP

        and BLDSS, we could still use the same front-end scripts.  [13:19]

<magnuse> yeah, mostly because i wanted to experiment in my own little sandbox


<atheia> Originally the idea was to achieve this using a well-defined

        interface, and then some way to pass "form snippets" back from the
        API backend to the template.  [13:20]

<atheia> But this breaks down for several reasons — one of which is

        internationalization — another being complexity.

<magnuse> yeah... <atheia> So what I'm settling on now is to have: a) a clean facade of ILL

        methods, used from the Koha side  [13:21]

<atheia> b) each method in the facade can take an additional "template"

        parameter, by which the API backend can perform additional steps for
        that part of the API logic  [13:22]

<atheia> c) the front-end templates use additional includes (one set of

        includes for each API backend), which also get passed the "template"
        parameter, so those include snippets can generate forms as necessary
        for that particular part of the API backend logic.  [13:23]

<atheia> I don't know if this is now utterly confusing — I could try to

        illustrate? alternatively if you have question?

<atheia> I'll point you to the relevant code repo though. sec. <magnuse> hehe, i can't say i have a clear mental image of it yet... [13:24] <magnuse> but it does sound flexible <atheia> Right :-) [13:25] <atheia> The branch I've been committing to for this is:


<atheia> But as an example: <magnuse> the way i am looking at it now, nncipp is mainly about changing

         statuses and having those status changes fire off messages to the
         other library. and maybe have the responses from those messages
         change the statuses again  [13:26]

<atheia> OK. <magnuse> ah yes, lots of stuff going on in that branch i see [13:27] <atheia> And when you say change statuses — are these the ILL statuses that

        are now an authorized list?

<magnuse> yup <atheia> And how do you create a "new ill request"? <magnuse> but that might not be relevant to what you were about to say :-)


<atheia> Do you manually fill in a form or, search against the stock of

        partner libraries?

<atheia> No, it kind of is, I think :-) <magnuse> for now, i fill out a form <magnuse> but i can totally see a z39.50/sru search being the starting point <atheia> Right; we currently have two approaches too: form and API websearch.


<magnuse> also, we have this thing where any library can log into the opac of

         any other library and place a request there, which is then sent back
         to the home ils

<atheia> oh <atheia> wow. so that's a totally different workflow. <atheia> Would that still use nncipp or would that be something different


<atheia> Like, would that create an ill record in the requesting library's ILL

        module?  [13:30]

<magnuse> well, the way it will be implemented is: the opac sends a message to

         the home ils, then the home ils sends a message to the owner ils
         (which is the same as the message sent when you fill out a form)

<magnuse> sorry, phone <atheia> np <magnuse> gah [13:31] <magnuse> i need to pick up my wife <magnuse> might be gone about 20 minutes <atheia> :-) np — we can pick it up later again. Already food for thought. <atheia> Just ping me in the private chate. <atheia> s/chate/chat/ <magnuse> ok, great! <atheia> later! <magnuse> back! [14:11] <atheia> Ah sorry — didn't see your message. [14:34] <atheia> you still about? <magnuse> yup <magnuse> i should have shouted louder ;-) [14:35] <atheia> :-) <atheia> k <atheia> So — if I understand correctly, the workflow you are using is:


<atheia> - create request (currently form, could be z39 search, or OPAC


<atheia> - update request status to trigger further messages [14:37] <magnuse> yup [14:38] <magnuse> oh and there are also incoming messages that result in a changed

         status. i use the NCIPServer rangi has been working on for that

<atheia> And would these incoming messages, which cause a status change, then

        in return cause further "business logic" to be triggered?  [14:40]

<magnuse> so i order something and it gets status ORDERED. then the owner

         library sends it, and send a message at the same time, so my request
         is upgraded to SHIPPING. then i receive it and change the status to
         RECEIVED, and send a message to the owner library that it has been

<magnuse> hm, i think they are mostly informative [14:41] <atheia> Aha. <magnuse> there is renewal [14:42] <magnuse> i can send off a request for renewal and the answer can be yes or no <atheia> Right — but that is more of an "action" rather than a status update


<magnuse> yeah, probably <atheia> BLDSS API also has a "status" action whereby we can request

        information on what's going on with a request (e.g. see: "order
        received" or "dispatched").  [14:43]

<atheia> So the feeling I'm getting here is that you could do something like

        "status update hooks":

<atheia> whenever the "status update" action is performed, we also make a

        method call to the API backend passing the STATUSCODE  [14:44]

<atheia> The API can then perform actions (like send a message to a remote

        server), and returns OK

<atheia> After which ILL updates the status. <atheia> That would handle all your status update logic no? <magnuse> yup, sounds like it [14:45] <atheia> OK — that is doable… I reckon we could use the same model as what I'm

        doing now (he said optimistically)  [14:46]

<atheia> Whereby the backend can return a "partial-success" with a specific

        TEMPLATE, which in turn is passed back to the TT template, so it can
        include an INCLUDE which can display a specific form for that

<atheia> But — would the status updates require any further manual

        intervention, or is it basically automatic after that?  [14:47]

<atheia> i.e.: when you update to RECEIVED, do you need to pass additional

        data to the backend for their call to a remote server (e.g. the
        recipients comments).

<magnuse> as far as i can tell it's automatic [14:48] <atheia> OK <atheia> Then ignore my elaborations — let's KISS <atheia> I… mean… you know. <atheia> keep it simple. <atheia> *blush* <magnuse> no, i see changing the status to received as just reading the

         barcode off the book, and then koha should shoot a "received"
         message to the owner library

<magnuse> lol! [14:49] <magnuse> yeah, let's keep it simple :-) <atheia> :-) good <atheia> Ah. <atheia> But we need to pass to read the barcode and pass that to the backend


<atheia> I imagine that would not necessarily be the same as the "request id"

        — i.e. would the information already be contained in the request data
        stored in the db?  [14:50]

<atheia> So: workflow detail. <atheia> please. :-) <magnuse> the way i do it now, i read the barcode and use that to look up the

         request data in the db  [14:51]

<magnuse> over time there might be multiple requests for the same barcode, so

         i use barcode and status to do the actual lookup  [14:52]

<atheia> is th ebarcode the item barcode or borrower barcode? <magnuse> when i want to receive (and send off RECEIVED messages) there should

         only be one record with the barcode and the status SHIPPED

<magnuse> item barcode [14:53] <atheia> of course. <atheia> ok. <atheia> So you barcode search an item, get to the ILL in the ILLrequest


<atheia> Then set status to the RECEIVED status <atheia> right? [14:54] <magnuse> yup <atheia> ok, in which case, I think simple works. <magnuse> or what i actually imagine is a form for reading barcodes and

         setting status RECEIVED/sending RECEIVED messages  [14:55]

<magnuse> so you'd open all the parcels you got that day <magnuse> pile up all the ill books and scan them <magnuse> into a text field [14:56] <atheia> ok, yeah, I think that works. <magnuse> and one thing i have not thought about so far: that should trigger a

         message to the borrower that his/her book has arrived  [14:57]

<magnuse> and probably also a slip to put in the book before it is placed on a

         shelf to be picked up

<atheia> right — for now, I would suggest we kick that in the long grass. <atheia> Just to keep the whole thing manageable. <magnuse> yup [14:58] <magnuse> that is what i have been doing :-) <atheia> I could see us adding these features either to the status change bit

        or in the API backend…

<atheia> dunno. <atheia> good call :-) <magnuse> (might be able to piggyback on existing holds functionality) <atheia> Right — I think that's what Janet over here has been doing: [14:59] <atheia> She added a UI button that allows users to create a Koha item from an

        ILLRequest, which is then added to the usual holds for the borrower.

<atheia> *I think* <atheia> So do you feel like you want to add more context? [15:00] <magnuse> yeah, sounds reasonable <atheia> Or can I try to frame this in terms of the work I've been doing? <magnuse> hm, not that i can think of <atheia> So we can see how feasible it is for you? <magnuse> sure <atheia> OK. <atheia> So I would propose 2 points of contact between the Koha ILL module

        and a specific backend:  [15:01]

<atheia> 1) actions (these include things like "creating a new ILLRequest", or

        "Renewing" or "Fetch Status";

<atheia> 2) status update hooks (these would be things like, set status to

        received, send message to remote host; or set status to COMPLETE, add
        data to the COMPLETION_DATE field)  [15:02]

<atheia> For 1): the UI would expose specific buttons for each available

        action in the "manage_ill" interface.  [15:03]

<magnuse> sounds good to me <atheia> When the user clicks on the appropriate button, the relevant method

        is called in the API backend, which responds either by performing
        action automatically (e.g. firing off a renewal request and reporting
        success) or by responding with the name of a TEMPLATE.

<atheia> In the latter case, the ILL UI then includes that Backend's Method

        INCLUDE, passing the TEMPLATE name, and that include can present a
        form to the end user where they can provide additional data.  [15:04]

<atheia> For instance, for BL API: when placing the order, the API backend

        passes back for the 'confirm' TEMPLATE, which causes the UI to
        generate a form with a selection of delivery services/prices.  [15:05]

<atheia> The user selects the price and clicks submit. <atheia> At this point the UI, knowing that it invoked a TEMPLATE, calls the

        same method in the backend again, with the new data from the user,
        and the backend then performs the operation  [15:06]

<atheia> In our example — the backend then uses the price information to

        finally place the order with BL.

<atheia> So we have something like 4 different actions (create order, confirm

        order, get status, renew loan); but each Backend is able to perform
        as many intermediary steps as required to complete each of those
        actions.  [15:07]

<atheia> Conversely, in your case, your backend might simply not implement

        "confirm", or "status"

<atheia> as they don't make sense in your context. [15:08] <magnuse> yeah <atheia> Does this all make sense so far? <magnuse> i think so, yes :-) <atheia> OK. <atheia> So for 2) <atheia> The UI offers, in the ill-manage part, a chance for an end-user to

        select a new status for an ILL.  [15:09]

<atheia> Upon submission, the UI invokes, always the same method:

        UPDATE_STATUS (or something), and passes the new status code.

<atheia> The backend upon which that method is invoked must handle each

        possible status code passed to it.  [15:10]

<atheia> (but it can choose to not perform any action for a specific code. <atheia> ) <magnuse> (and there should be some limit on "status paths", so from status A

         you can only move to status B or C, not D)

<atheia> At this stage, the Backend can perform a specific action (like

        sending a message to a remote server).

<atheia> OK. Interesting! [15:11] <atheia> Do you feel like that limitation would have to be present on the UI

        (e.g. only show those statuses that are allowed in this context)

<magnuse> well, it would be nice <atheia> or would it be ok to always show all statuses, but let the backend

        say "tihs makes no sense"

<atheia> Indeed :-) I also think it would be more complex for now. [15:12] <magnuse> yeah <atheia> We'd need to track status dependencies somehow. <atheia> If possible, I'd prefer the second (where the backend returns "this

        makes no sense")

<atheia> WDYT? <magnuse> as a first pass i think it would be ok to rely on librarians to know

         which changes makes sense

<atheia> awesome. <atheia> :-) <atheia> So in order to implement this, I think the "UPDATE_STATUS method

        should take two arguments: new_status_code, old_status_code.  [15:13]

<atheia> Then the backend can evaluate whether this is a valid transition, and

        perform it's actions if it is.

<atheia> WDYT? <magnuse> works for me :-) <atheia> cool. <atheia> So the backend performs its action and returns "success" or "fail".


<atheia> If "success" the Koha ILL Module finally updates the status in the

        ILL tables to the new status.

<atheia> If "fail" the Koha ILL Module displays an error message and does not

        update the status in the ILL tables.

<atheia> And I think… that's all :-) <magnuse> hehe, yeah [15:15] <atheia> Now most importantly, do you think that this kind of infrastructure

        would work for you as a backend implementor?

<atheia> (you know, with help and documentation :-) ) <magnuse> what i have done in a couple places is change the status to

         RENEWAL_REQUESTED before the renewal request is ssent, and then
         RENEWAL_OK after i get the confirmation. that way i can pick up
         failed requests  [15:16]

<magnuse> yeah, it sounds kind of logical :-) <atheia> OK, so that is a slightly more manual approach to the renewal


<atheia> is renewal a realtime request for you in NNCIPP or is it

        asynchroneous?  [15:17]

<magnuse> with clear or it's just me being lazy and not taking all possible

         outcomes into account...

<atheia> i.e. does the remote service provide an immediate response or do they

        manually process requests?

<atheia> Sorry — I don't think I understand your last sentence? [15:18] <magnuse> s/with clear// <atheia> ah <atheia> ;-) <magnuse> immediate response <atheia> k, so you could implement that as a real-time action, as discussed

        above and save yourself the hassle of the 2 additional ILL statuses.

<magnuse> yeah <atheia> But to clarify, as an implementor, you would basically implement:


<atheia> a) a Backend, which implements the 4 actions as methods as mentioned

        above, and 

<atheia> b) a method for the backend called UPDATE_STATUS <magnuse> yeah, that makes sense [15:20] <atheia> c) implement includes for the ILL templates for your specific

        Backend, which would be either stubs (in case your backend has no
        multi stage ACTIONS), or which implement additional forms.

<atheia> And that's all there should be to it for an implmentor. <atheia> cool <atheia> Unfortunately I am not quite there yet — but I am implementing this

        system now on ill_community.  [15:21]

<magnuse> shpuld be doable in an afternoon ;-) <atheia> optimistic ;-) <magnuse> hehe <magnuse> do you have an idea about a timeframe for that [15:22] <magnuse> ? <magnuse> i have my work based on the ill_master branch, i think. i need to

         polish that to where it cooperates with the other norwegian
         implementations (so i can get some of my money from the project :-)

<atheia> Yeah, I reckon I need another 2 weeks to get the infrastructure ready

        and to implement the ACTIONS and UPDATE_STATUS, and template includes
        for BLDSS API.

<atheia> OK. <magnuse> the next stage of the project is to get things into production <atheia> What I can do is imlement the interface in the abstract (i.e. without

        the BLDSS backend).

<atheia> and then let you know, and you could implement NNCIPP at the same

        time that I implement the rest of BLDSSAPI.  [15:24]

<magnuse> that sounds like a perfect fit, if i can take the ncip/backend code

         i have now and start to bake it into your framework

<atheia> and that way we can chat and improve things in the abstract

        interfaces whilst we go along?

<atheia> OK. <magnuse> sounds like a really awesome plan <atheia> I will ask Martin if I can get another day next week to do that

        specific thing, and then can let you know when you can start using
        ill_community.  [15:25]

<atheia> sec. <magnuse> great <atheia> OK. [15:26] <atheia> That's good. <atheia> I'll make sure to be in IRC everyday I'm actually working (I'll be

        off on Wednesday/Thursday).  [15:27]

<magnuse> ok <atheia> And plan to ping you with the green light on Tuesday at the latest. <magnuse> awesome <atheia> So then we can continue chatting as we go along. <atheia> yeah deffo! <magnuse> don't rush it for my sake, though <atheia> It's really helpful to have you work on this whilst we work on it

        too.  [15:28]

<magnuse> i need to fix an encoding thing in the code i have <magnuse> then get a "signoff" from another vendor, that our systems can talk


<magnuse> then i'll probably have some other stuff to attend to <atheia> OK, well, I'll get this part done anyway, and then we can revisit it

        whenever you have another moment to look at this.

<magnuse> so it will be a week or two before i can start looking at the


<atheia> :-) <magnuse> great <atheia> np <atheia> Hey, another question, [15:29] <atheia> Would you mind if I update the RFC/ Bug with a log of this chat? <atheia> So we can kind of share progress etc. without me having to distill

        everything immediately?

<atheia> (np if you'd rather not) <magnuse> please do [15:30] <magnuse> i don't mind [15:31] <atheia> awesome :-)