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Koha Fundraising Committee
Meeting to be held via Google Hangouts on 18 April 2016 at 2000 UTC.
Members: Franziska Wallner, Paul Poulain, Galen Charlton, Brendan Gallagher, Bob Birchall
Visitors / observers are welcome to attend.
1. Election of a chairperson
2. Conflicts of Interest
The Chairperson will ask all members present to declare, in relation to any matter to be discussed at the meeting, any actual or potential conflict of interest that has not already been declared, or whether the nature or extent of a conflict previously declared has materially increased.
3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting (for adoption)
4. Matters arising from the minutes
4.1 THT Grants Committee rules
4.2 Ask General IRC meeting to amend Article 4c of FCTOR re voting by majority
5. Fundraising Activiities
6. Communication with THT
7. Communication with Koha Community
8. Other business
9. Next Meeting
1. Election of a chairperson
Galen will be Chair - Brendan will take minutes
2. Conflicts of Interest
The Chairperson will ask all members present to declare, in relation to any matter to be discussed at the meeting, any actual or potential conflict of interest that has not already been declared, or whether the nature or extent of a conflict previously declared has materially increased.
No new conflicts of interest.
3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting (for adoption)
Bob moves, Brendan and Paul second - 4 I’s
4. Matters arising from the minutes
4.0 BG got a speaking time at KohaCon (Invites anyone who is attending KohaCon to join him during speaking)
4.1 THT Grants Committee rules
All agree with changes to the Grants Committee suggested by community - all agree Bob will make changes and let the community know - for further voting.
4.2 Ask General IRC meeting to amend Article 4c of FCTOR re voting by majority
Action Item Galen will get the Article 4c onto the General IRC meeting.
5. Fundraising Activiities
Idea of TShirts of Koha for KohaCon. An international Donate to Koha day. Promote the day on forums of the community - contribute what you might. Bob will draft a paper on how it may work - get that out to us before next meeting.
6. Communication with THT
Jo is generally aware of the committee’s actions. Brendan has been in communication with Jo on the number of donors and the fund amount. THT according to Jo is very excited about this activity. (We should write a formal process letter to THT of both committee rules for adoption of the rules). Also say that THT can promote people to the committee and people of the koha community will be very accepting. Bob to draft letters to THT.
7. Communication with Koha Community
General IRC meetings. Posting of minutes to Wiki. Rules and Bylaws on the wiki. Next General meeting May 4th UTC 2000. Galen and Brendan can also attend the May 4th meeting. Bob to change the wiki rules and then update community.
8. Other business
9. Next Meeting
Possibility of close to May 4th after General IRC meeting. (Brendan May 10-12 - out). Week of May 16 looks OK but not Monday for Paul. We’ll do the best we can. Galen will send out the call for next meeting.