Koha Test Wiki Canasta - March 2024
One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit https://wiki.koha-community.org .Documentation IRC meeting 9 May 2023
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Jitsi Meet - meeting link
- We are trying out using an (open source) video conference platform instead of the #koha IRC channel for this meeting. You don't have to turn your camera on if you prefer not to be seen; but if you are able to use a mic it should make our conversations a lot easier!
- To join the meeting, click on the meeting link. If you are on a desktop computer, it will open in a browser window; no need to install anything. To join on a mobile device, you will need to download the Jitsi Meet app (from Google Play; from Apple Store). Do let us know in the #koha IRC channel if you are having any trouble joining.
- 9 May 2023, 14:00 UTC Time and Date.com converter for various local times
Agenda with notes from the meeting
- Caroline Cyr La Rose, inlibro, Québec, Canada
- Marie-Luce Laflamme, inlibro, Québec, Canada
- Aude Charillon, PTFS Europe, UK
- Lucy Vaux-Harvey, PTFS Europe, UK
- Review of action points
- Plan meeting about automated screenshots (aude_c)
- The meeting has been scheduled for Thursday 29 June 2023 at 11:00 UTC. It will be held on Jitsi Meet.
- Anyone can join directly using the Jitsi Meet link; contact Aude if you prefer receiving a calendar invite.
- Plan meeting about automated screenshots (aude_c)
- Project updates
- Progress updates for projects
- David has provided an update on Bug 32391 - Reorganise the manual contents. The Docs team is watching the bug and waiting to hear more from David.
- Progress updates for projects
- Bug 33676 - Recognise documentation submissions on the about page
- We agreed that it would be better for Documentation contributors who are not officially part of the Documentation team (and therefore don't have a "Role" in this cycle) to be automatically added to the About page based on GitLab commit authors. Caroline added comments.
- Roles for 23.11 are open. Please sign up!
- KohaCon23: two Documentation-related proposals were submitted (one lightning talk and one workshop).
Next steps for documentation
- Bugzilla: General documentation tasks | Release changes: Needs documenting status (all releases since 22.05)
- Continue updating screenshots.
Next meeting
- Tuesday 6 June 2023
- We agreed to continue using Jitsi Meet to hold meetings and to take notes manually.
- ACTION: Caroline to create the new meeting page and to add the meeting to the Koha calendar.
- ACTION: Aude to add the new Jitsi Meet details.
- ACTION: Aude to add notes to the 9th May meeting page.