Koha Test Wiki Canasta - March 2024

One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.

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Circulation rules values tech list

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circulation_rules table filled with key/value pairs which converted from something-like 1 dimension (rows) to some 2 dimension rows/columns on smart-rules.pl page. Tables and their values:

Defining circulation and fine rules for / for "BRANCH_NAME"

table 1: main table

   fine                                allowed to be set to 0 or 
   finedays                            allowed to be set to 0 or 
   maxsuspensiondays                   PerlTRUTH or , i.e. 0 not allowed
   suspension_chargeperiod             PerlTRUTH or 1
   firstremind                         any value except undef
   chargeperiod                        any value except undef
   chargeperiod_charge_at              any value except undef
   maxissueqty                         strip_non_numeric
   maxonsiteissueqty                   strip_non_numeric
   renewalsallowed                     any value except undef
   unseen_renewals_allowed             strip_non_numeric or 
   renewalperiod                       any value except undef
   norenewalbefore                     any value except undef, also  if /^\s*$/
   auto_renew                          if eq 'yes' then 1 otherwise 0
   no_auto_renewal_after               any value except undef, also  if /^\s*$/
   no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit    PerlTRUTH or 
   reservesallowed                     strip_non_numeric
   holds_per_record                    strip_non_numeric
   holds_per_day                       strip_non_numeric
   onshelfholds                        PerlTRUTH or 0
   issuelength                         PerlTRUTH or 0
   daysmode                            any value except undef
   lengthunit                          any value except undef
   hardduedate                         PerlTRUTH or 
   hardduedatecompare                  any value except undef
   rentaldiscount                      PerlTRUTH or 0    (can_be_blank => 0)
   opacitemholds                       PerlTRUTH or 0
   article_requests                    PerlTRUTH or 'no'
   overduefinescap                     PerlTRUTH or 
   cap_fine_to_replacement_price       (PerlTRUTH or ) eq 'on'
   note                                any value except undef
   decreaseloanholds                   PerlTRUTH or 
   recalls_allowed                     any value except undef
   recalls_per_record                  any value except undef
   on_shelf_recalls                    any value except undef
   recall_due_date_interval            any value except undef
   recall_overdue_fine                 any value except undef
   recall_shelf_time                   any value except undef

Default checkout, hold and return policy / for BRANCH_NAME

table 2: set-branch-defaults, but see table 3 and table 7 below but these saved for */* regarding item/category

   patron_maxissueqty                  can be absent, strip_non_numeric text
   patron_maxonsiteissueqty            can be absent, strip_non_numeric text
   max_holds                           can be absent, strip_non_numeric text
   holdallowed                         can be absent, text, (can_be_blank => 0)
   hold_fulfillment_policy             can be absent, text, (can_be_blank => 0)
   returnbranch                        can be absent, text, (can_be_blank => 0)

Default waiting hold cancellation policy / Waiting hold cancellation policy for BRANCH_NAME

table 3: set-waiting-hold-cancellation

   waiting_hold_cancellation           can be absent, 
                                         strip_non_numeric 0 / 1, (can_be_blank => 0)

Default checkout, hold policy by patron category / Checkout, hold policy by patron category for BRANCH_NAME

table 4: add-branch-cat

   patron_maxissueqty                  can be absent, strip_non_numeric text
   patron_maxonsiteissueqty            can be absent, strip_non_numeric text
   max_holds                           can be absent, strip_non_numeric text
                                         (separate processing: in add-branch-cat can be under,
                                         but patron_maxissueqty patron_maxonsiteissueqty
                                         filtered over strip_non_numeric)

Default open article requests limit / Daily open article requests limit for BRANCH_NAME

table 5: add-open-article-requests-limit

   open_article_requests_limit         can be absent, strip_non_numeric text
                                         ugly code note: 'strip_non_numeric' called
                                         but THEN 'if not defined' checked

Default article request fees / Article request fees for BRANCH_NAME

table 6: set-article-request-fee

   article_request_fee                 can be absent, strip_non_numeric text

Default lost item fee refund on return policy / Lost item fee refund on return policy for BRANCH_NAME

table 7: mod-refund-lost-item-fee-rule

   lostreturn                          can be absent,
                                         for all branches: refund/refund_unpaid/charge/restore/0
                                         per branch: + *=undef(absent)

Default holds policy by item type / Holds policy by item type for BRANCH_NAME

table 8: add-branch-item

   holdallowed                         can be absent, from_any_library/from_local_hold_group/from_home_library/not_allowed
   hold_fulfillment_policy             can be absent,
   returnbranch                        can be absent