One of a series of test instances for migrating the Koha Wiki MediaWiki database.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit .Upgrading 2.2
Upgrading from Koha 2.2 to Koha 3.0
(including specific notes for UNIMARC)
This page was called 22_to_30 on the old wiki.
Packages / softwares to update and/or add
- apt-get install libexpat1-dev on Debian : libexpat is used by zebra
- install yaz ( from This one is already here, but you must update it, as there is a new version)
- install zebra ( from )
- Perl packages :
perl -MCPAN -e 'install HTML::Template::Pro' perl -MCPAN -e 'install Lingua::Stem' perl -MCPAN -e 'install MARC::Record' (This one is already here, but you must update it, as there is a new version) perl -MCPAN -e 'install MARC::File::XML' (This one is already here, but you must update it, as there is a new version) perl -MCPAN -e 'install MARC::Charset' (This one is already here, but you must update it, as there is a new version) perl -MCPAN -e 'install XML::LibXML::SAX::Parser'
Configuration files to update and/or add
- write /etc/koha.xml (from the sample below and your actual /etc/koha.conf)
- Update apache virtual host (/etc/koha-httpd.conf) to point to Koha 3.0 :
- DocumentRoot (DocumentRoot /path/to/koha30/)
- ScriptAlias (ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/koha/ /path/to/koha3.0 for librarian interface, /path/to/koha3.0/opac for OPAC)
- (PERL5LIB (PERL5LIB /path/to/koha3.0)
- SetEnv (SetEnv KOHA_CONF=/etc/koha.xml)
- restart apache
Koha datas to update and/or add
- export PERL5LIB=/path/to/koha
- export KOHA_CONF=/path/to/koha.xml
- installer/data/mysql/ That will update the database to the 3.0 structure. Go and take a coffee, it can be long or very long, depending on your Database size.
if you get :
alter or create id in aqbooksellers DBD::mysql::db do failed: Multiple primary key defined at updater/updatedatabase line 1803.
manually update aqbookseller table :
ALTER TABLE `aqbooksellers` CHANGE `id` `id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT
but before doing this, you may have to clean aqbooksellers and/or aqorders from any empty line (id=0) or duplicate entries (2 booksellers with the same id) if you get
moving bibliothesaurus to InnoDB DBD::mysql::db do failed:
The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes at installer/data/mysql/ line 1729. don't worry
- in mySQL DROP TABLE `auth_word` , `marc_word` ;
- installer/data/mysql/ this script will finish the update of the database.
If you see :
DBD::mysql::db do failed: Duplicate entry 'XXXX' for key 1 at installer/data/mysql/ line YYY
don't worry
- bin/migration_tools/22_to_30/
- bin/migration_tools/22_to_30/
- bin/migration_tools/22_to_30/ to update field 100 -unicode-. ONLY if you are using UNIMARC. Otherwise, things will look OK, but when you update the biblio, diacritics will go crazy
- bin/migration_tools/22_to_30/ to check that no 090 fields are missing.
- in mysql console or phpMyAdmin : DROP TABLE `marc_subfield_table`, `auth_subfield_table`, `marc_biblio`, `marc_blob_subfield`
You should now be able to login to Koha, but you can't search yet.
- update the following systempreferences (Koha > More > Administration > Systempreference :
- StaffClient TemplateEncoding : utf-8
- StaffClient Intranetcolorstylesheet : blue.css (to have some blue colors. This step is not required, you can skip it)
- StaffClient Template : prog
- OPAC features : activate what you want
- Logs : activate what you want
- Borrowers : update BorrowerMandatoryFields, BorrowerTitles, and borrowerRelationShip to fit your needs
- Koha admin / itemtypes : choose some nice new pictures for each itemtype
- Borrower categories : warning, the subscription duration is now in MONTHS. Update the categories (and super-categories if needed : all categories are declared as “Adults”.
- check that, in all your frameworks, the items.onloan field is mapped to a MARC subfield. In UNIMARC, it should be 995$n. If it's not the case, then to the mapping. The subfield does not need to be visible (in items (10) tab)
- update the onloan field (in mySQL). In 2.2, it was default 0000-00-00, in koha 3, the default must be NULL :
ALTER TABLE `items` CHANGE `onloan` `onloan` DATE NULL; UPDATE items SET onloan=NULL WHERE onloan='0000-00-00';
now that the onloan field is correct, we must fill it. To do that, run the following SQL :
UPDATE items SET onloan=(SELECT max(date_due) FROM issues WHERE issues.itemnumber=items.itemnumber AND returndate is NULL)
if will populate the onloan field with appropriate values
- rebuild some datas by running misc/migration_tools/
Zebra / NoZebra stuff
- misc/migration_tools/ -a -b -k –reset to build the zebra database for authoritiess (-a), biblios (-b), keep export just in case (-k) and empty the zebra database (–reset) before rebuilding it
- check that all default zebra files fit your needs (a standard UNIMARC should be OK), otherwise modify
- misc/migration_tools/ -a -b -k -s –reset to rebuild the zebra DB if needed. the -s will skip the Koha export (will be much much faster if you have a lot of datas )
- zebrasrv -f /path/to/koha-config.xml will make zebra run. Once you have checked that things are OK, you'll probably have zebrasrv as a service launched at startup automatically (not explained in here)
NoZebra stuff
- set NoZebra ON, in systempreferences, cataloguing, syspref called NoZebra
- fill NoZebraIndexes syspref to define your indexes. Below are samples for UNIMARC and MARC21 databases.
- misc/migration_tools/ should be enough to reindex your datas and have a searchable catalog. The tool 1st load all your biblios, then rebuild the entire index in one step. Go to take a coffe, it is quite long.
UNIMARC NoZebraIndexes sample
'title' => '200a,200c,200d,200e,225a,225d,225e,225f,225h,225i,225v,500*,501*,503*,510*,512*,513*,514*,515*,516*,517*,518*,519*,520*,530*,531*,532*,540*,541*,545*,604t,610t,605a', 'author' =>'200f,600a,601a,604a,700a,700b,700c,700d,700a,701b,701c,701d,702a,702b,702c,702d,710a,710b,710c,710d,711a,711b,711c,711d,712a,712b,712c,712d', 'isbn' => '010a', 'issn' => '011a', 'biblionumber' =>'0909', 'itemtype' => '200b', 'language' => '101a', 'publisher' => '210c', 'date' => '210d', 'note' => '300a,301a,302a,303a,304a,305a,306az,307a,308a,309a,310a,311a,312a,313a,314a,315a,316a,317a,318a,319a,320a,321a,322a,323a,324a,325a,326a,327a,328a,330a,332a,333a,336a,337a,345a', 'Koha-Auth-Number' => '6009,6019,6029,6039,6049,6059,6069,6109,7009,7019,7029,7109,7119,7129', 'subject' => '600*,601*,606*,610*', 'dewey' => '676a', 'host-item' => '995a,995c'
MARC21 NoZebraIndexes sample
'title' => '130a,210a,222a,240a,243a,245a,245b,246a,246b,247a,247b,250a,250b,440a,830a', 'author' => '100a,100b,100c,100d,110a,111a,111b,111c,111d,245c,700a,710a,711a,800a,810a,811a', 'isbn' => '020a', 'issn' => '022a', 'lccn' => '010a', 'biblionumber' => '999c', 'itemtype' => '942c', 'publisher' => '260b', 'date' => '260c', 'note' => '500a, 501a,504a,505a,508a,511a,518a,520a,521a,522a,524a,526a,530a,533a,538a,541a,546a,555a,556a,562a,563a,583a,585a,582a', 'subject' => '600*,610*,611*,630*,650*,651*,653*,654*,655*,662*,690*', 'dewey' => '082', 'bc' => '952p', 'callnum' => '952o', 'an' => '6009,6109,6119', 'homebranch' => '952a,952c'
koha.xml sample
<yazgfs> <listen id="biblioserver" >tcp:@:9902</listen> <listen id="authorityserver">tcp:@:2102</listen> <server id="biblioserver" listenref="biblioserver"> <directory>/home/zebradbs/biblios</directory> <config>/home/zebradbs/biblios/etc/zebra-biblios.cfg</config> <cql2rpn>/home/zebradbs/biblios/etc/</cql2rpn> </server> <serverinfo id="biblioserver"> <ccl2rpn>/home/zebradbs/biblios/etc/</ccl2rpn> <user>kohaadmin</user> <password>K0h4R0ck$</password> </serverinfo> <server id="authorityserver" listenref="authorityserver" > <directory>/home/zebradbs/authorities</directory> <config>/home/zebradbs/authorities/etc/zebra-authorities.cfg</config> <cql2rpn>/home/zebradbs/authorities/etc/</cql2rpn> </server> <serverinfo id="authorityserver"> <ccl2rpn>/home/zebradbs/authorities/etc/</ccl2rpn> <user>kohaadmin</user> <password>K0h4R0ck$</password> </serverinfo> <config> <database>mysql_Database_usually_koha</database> <hostname>mysql_server_usually_localhost</hostname> <user>login</user> <pass>password</pass> <kohaversion>3.0</kohaversion> <biblioserver>biblios</biblioserver> <biblioservershadow>1</biblioservershadow> <authorityserver>authorities</authorityserver> <authorityservershadow>1</authorityservershadow> <intranetdir>/path/to/koha/</intranetdir> <opacdir>/path/to/koha/opac</opacdir> <opachtdocs>/path/to/koha/koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl</opachtdocs> <intrahtdocs>/path/to/koha/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl</intrahtdocs> <includes>/path/to/koha/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes</includes> </config> </yazgfs>
You may get diacritics wrong in biblios after the update. This seems to happen because mysql 4.0 says/think your datas are using encoding X while they are not. We (BibLibre) have experimented that using the flag --default-character-set=latin1 when retrieving your datas can solve the problem